I love packaging! Newton shoes & Clever little bag by Yves Behar @ fuseproject

I love packaging and I love designers working with in mind the environment.

I remember the project made by Newton shoes using an egg’s like paper to wrap their very special midfoot/forefoot running shoes. That was cool! But never came into production.

Read more about Newton’s packaging design on TreeHugger. If you’re curious about what exactly is forefoot running check out this. Or take a look at Newton’s YouTube channel.

Another interesting project is “hello little clever bag” developed by the designer Yves Behar at fuseproject for Puma shoes.

It took 2.000 ideas, over 40 prototypes and 21 months of development to create this innovative shoe-box that reduces material and shipping costs.

The result is 65% less cardboard used saving 8500 tons of paper, 20 millions megajoules of electricity, 1 million liters of water and the carbon dioxide is reduced by 10 tons.

Watch Puma’s presentation video of Clever Little Bag:

Read the article on DesignBoom.

I love TED: Ideas worth spreading and their videos (be sure to subscribe TEDtalks on YouTube) and this speech by Yves Behar is really interesting.
